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Texting Information
Summary Terms & Conditions: Our mobile text messages are intended for subscribers over the age of 13 and are delivered via USA short code 72797.You may receive up to 32 message(s) per month for text alerts. Message and data rates may apply.
This service is available to persons with text-capable phones subscribing to carriers including AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile®, Sprint, Virgin Mobile USA, Cincinnati Bell, Centennial Wireless, Unicel, U.S. Cellular®, and Boost. For help, text HELP to 72797, email media@foodievillage.co, or call + . You may stop your mobile subscription at any time by text messaging STOP to short code 72797.
The number of messages per month should accurately reflect your intended messaging frequency. We recommend no more than four messages a month to avoid burdening subscribers.
PROHIBITED CONTENT: The CTIA also prohibits the following types of message content.
- Adult content (e.g., pornography, nude dancing clubs, escort services)
- Illegal or illicit drugs (e.g., marijuana)
- Alcohol, tobacco, or firearms
- Violence, hatred, or profanity
- Any product or service related to death (e.g., mortuaries and cemeteries)
- Any mention of any wireless carrier or any representation that copies or parodies any product or service of any wireless carrier
TEXT-TO-WIN: Please keep in mind that text-to-win promotions may be conducted only by dedicated short code. Text-to-win campaigns are not allowed on shared short codes.

Vendor Application
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